Monday, August 30, 2010


 " We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have." ~ frederick koenig

   I just finished reading a book giving to my Hubby for his birthday. happy: Simple Steps to Get the Most Out of Life, it is a good read. So thinking on some of the ideas in this book I have a few insights. What is it that makes me happy? Well, spending time with my family, I love night time snuggled in my husbands arms, working together with all the household maintenance, fitness workouts, reading a good book, going to church, spending time with my friends, eating good food, just hanging out, hiking, beach, being creative, there is just so much. I want to live a life of wholeness instead of a life that is expected of me or a reflection of  "success". What is the real meaning or purpose of what I do??
  Unfortunately, I spend most of my time at work, not that I don't have a satisfying job. I have the job that I wanted from the start. I work in an Emergency room and it is quite satisfying, especially when I help ease someones distress. It can be really stressful, life is so uncertain when one is sick. Most of the time, I work with a great group of people that work together. The politics can be really stressful, and I need to make a point of staying out of any gossip circle. I thoroughly enjoy patient care, it is making sure everything is charted that can be a-bit overwhelming. It is harder than a person thinks to keep up with charts that grow legs and walks around. My primary purpose of work is to help provide for my family. Money isn't everything, but it sure is nice to be able to pay bills on time, buy groceries, and all the modern conveniences of living.
  Optimist live longer. With that thought, I have always tried to hope, believe, wish, and fantasize about life being better. As I have gotten older, I have learned that you are the deciding factor if life is good or not. Of course, there is gonna be events in life that are out of your control. You can chose to live or just exist. I guess I have always been a fighter, set a goal and persevered to the best of my ability. I believe that I am a blessed woman with a wonderful Husband and  family, good health, good job and a satisfying life.
   I love the quote "Reduce the complexity of life by eliminating the needless wants of life, and the labors of life reduce themselves."~Edwin Way Teale.  De cluttering one's life is a thought I really desire. I really want balance of all the important things in my life, I just don't know if I have the organizational skills to apply all aspects of life. Recently, I have read and trying to apply  The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey. That is just one example of how I am trying to achieve balance in an area of my life. Together my husband and I are doing the P90X fitness regimen for our health, soon we will be training for the 2011 Covenant Marathon. I am trying to be the best mother I can be to two beautiful,smart young ladies. Life is a full plate!! However, I have been blessed.

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