Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Up to Date News!

So it's the middle of August, and I haven't been posting regularly, I kind of have muddled brain at the moment. My big project right now is stripping down a butler table that my mom gave me. It is a Bombay table, that she purchased in Texas when I was a girl. She started sanding it and stopped. So I am going to finish it and paint it a Shabby Chic White. I have the perfect spot for it. Sitting beside the front door, over the registrar, with a pretty lamp and mirror hanging over it. I just have to find the pretty lamp and mirror.

I have been reading the book of Proverbs. I am doing a daily challenge. It has 31 chapters, so a chapter a day. The verses that speak to me, I mediate over.

Boo is enjoying her eighth grade experience. I can not believe that she only has four more years of school left and then up and out as a grown up! I am very proud of her. She is growing into a very loving, smart and beautiful young lady.

Jimmy has a project going as well. His dad gave him a1999 Mercury car. So far, he is going through this car with a fine tooth comb, so he can use it as a daily driver. The engine light keeps coming on, at present, so he is trying a few suggestions from the mechanics before he has them "smoke" the gas line. (I have no idea, it's what they said) It amazes me how much can go wrong with vehicles. I just want to get in, turn it on and go!!

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