Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Anticipating Spring!!

Wintertime is my least favorite time of year. I do not like being cold. I do not like the barren look. I do not like the gray overcast to everything. Right now I want to hibernate, then I get cabin fever. I am fine once I get going, it's the get up and go, that hangs up. I fight it it very hard during the winter time, but sometimes it feels as if my mind is in a fog that won't lift. But yet my mind is constantly whirling with ideas and thoughts.  Honestly, I remind myself of Goldilocks- I want everything JUST RIGHT! Of course, who doesn't?  I could use some sun, surf and sand therapy right now. Maybe, that is what Jimmy and I should do every February, hit the beach to break up the doldrums of winter.  I am so ready for spring and summer. That is my time!!

Jimmy and I are still reading the chronological bible together. The old testament is really hard to follow. When I was a young woman, much younger in my 20's, I used to pray for Job's patience, never realizing the full extent of his suffering. And I dang sure don't want God to just let satan loose on me. Now I am in the late season of 30 and I pray for Love, wisdom, God's will, guidance and strength.

Currently, I am reading Crazy Love by Francis Chan. I have made it to chapter 6 and am at the point that I need to slow down and reread to let the lesson speak to me.

On a bright note: Jimmy bought me a pair of mint green colored jeans. I am so excited, Hubsie loves me. I got a Tee to wear with it, but I need to go through my closet to put multiple outfits together.
 Monday night, Jimmy took me and the kids to Longhorn Steakhouse. We had an excellent time together and a great meal.  I had lunch today with my best bud, Tammy at Olive Garden in Knoxville. We had a great time.  This weekend I am anticipating my oldest daughter coming home for a visit. Life is good, God has blessed me well.

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