Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Peaks and Valleys

 So my perpetual life has been in motion with different peaks and valleys. I worked last thurs-sun this past weekend. Saturday,though, I had the BIGGEST scare of my life. Around noon, I sat down for lunch with a Lean Cuisine Turkey dinner. I got choked. I mean, honest to goodness, choked by a piece of meat. I could not cough it up. I could not swallow it. I could barely breathe. No one was in the breakroom. So I walked down the hall toward the nurses station. It took a few seconds, Dr. P figured out what was going on. I had the Heimlich maneuver preformed, which did not remove it. However, it did move so that I could breathe a little better. An IV was placed and they gave me a medicine called versed. It knocked me out and the meat was removed. That was the end of my work day and one of the scariest things to happen to me, EVER. On Sunday, I received a ton of ribbing and disbelief that I was even at work.
  Hubs and I slept in on Monday. It is a grand feeling. I was wore out, after my weekend. Jimmy is nursing a R hip injury from running. Then my eldest child called at 0800. And then arrived 2 hours later. So it was then time for food, and we headed to IHOP. Love their Swedish crepes. I know, so bad. It was a terribly cold day in East Tennessee. Snow flurries all day long, without any accumulation.
  Tuesday was NOT any warmer. Ash slept in, while Jimmy and I traveled to Wal-mart for grocerys and oil for 3 vehicles. Jimmy changed the oil in all of our vehicles and Ash's too. After all that hard work, I sent him for a massage. While he was there, Ash and I window shopped at Barnes and Nobles, Trader Joe and Toys "R" Us. Finished off our evening at Five Guys and Fries, before Ash headed back to NC.

  Today, while Jimmy was at work, I tried a Williams Sonoma recipe for English Scones. I slathered them with Strawberry Perserves. Yummy. Not very good cold though. Recipe can be found here:

All this just random events in my crazy life.....more to come later. Tata for now!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

On the Second Day of Spring

Yesterday being the first day of spring- was cool and breezy. Jimmy and I slept in until 1000. I had been up and down with Darby since 0600. But it felt good to just rest. We chilled until I had to leave for PALS part 2. Once I got home, we curled up on the couch and watched "The Hobbit". LOVE IT!!

We had a good night with the baby. Currently, we are crate and potty training him.Three nights out of five, he slept well.  When he whined with lights out, we placed  Darby's crate downstairs so he could whine at his content. Darby is doing fairly well with the potty training. Just a few accidents. He truly is a handful.

On Tues, I took Chey and her friend shopping at Turkey Creek. She had $$ that she couldn't wait to spend at Aeropostle. She got her aviator glasses and a cute tank top. Then they window shopped.

I walked around by myself, because it's just not cool for a teen to be seen with her mom. I love World Market, but I was able to walk out of there without spending a dime. It was SO hard!!

Today was 25* when I went into work this morning....Ya'll I am so ready for WARMTH! We had a busy day in the ER and I am gonna sign off and hit the bed. Three more days to go.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Kitchen Decor Decisions

 I need to find some fabric, so that I can sew some kitchen curtains. I have been searching and searching for the perfect no avail.  Yesterday, I was reading some blogs that I follow and was introduced to Online from +Cottage and Vine, So I browsed through the blue section, looking for an aqua or turquoise coloring in it. These are the samples of fabric that I am attracted to.
 I have a little blue basket that my Grandpa used to collect eggs in from his Rhode Island Reds. I want to incorporate this basket into my decor. My top choice is the multi flowers with the scrolled vines in the background. Oh the choices to make.....


Sunday, March 17, 2013

Happy St Patrick's Day!

Happy St. Patrick's Day to all, my Friends!!

 First night with the new puppy was successful. Of course, we did not go to bed until 0100. He was took outside multiple times before retiring to the laundry basket, lined with pee pad, nice soft cushy bed with heating pad under, and tick tock clock on.  He did not wimper until 0730 this morning. He has done his business a couple of times and is full of energy. Buddy is not happy with the new comer.

So baby steps with this new adventure. Today, we are going to my friend Nicole's reveal party...Exciting stuff. New puppy, new baby in the gang...... Life is good, God has blessed us all well.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Friday, March 15, 2013

I've been away from the computer!

Like I said last week, this week has been BUSY!! I did a 10 mile run on monday, after working the 4 previous days. Worked Tues and wens., had skills day yesterday and ran 5 miles with a friend. Then, today, I slept in til 1000. Started working on PALS, which consists of pre course exam, 12 core situations and then a final written exam!! I hate taking tests...I have high test anxiety. I blame it on nursing school! I just finished around 1700..My mind feels frazzled!! Now, to wait until next Wednesday to finish the rest...part 2. Hands on, actually assessing and resuscitating a dummy.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Rejoice, herald in March

So on Wednesday night, I tried the 2nd recipe from Weeknights with Giada. You can find it here: I am notorious for altering recipes and of course, I did. What do you do when you don't have everything?? You substitute. I left off the yogurt sauce, because Hubsie ate the yogurt. He isn't a big fan of salmon patties, but approved of these. I think the capers helped. My picky child Boobug, even ok'd them. Cheybug loves salmon, so she approved!

Wednesday night, I even caught a Pioneer Woman rerun on Food Network. I have only seen bits here and there, but I follow her blog. I love her personality and recipes. 

Tonight is Day light savings time!! Preparing for tomorrow,  day four of another 12hr shift. Today though was steady and busy, but not drown you busy... I even managed to drink 4 bottles of water. Yay. I still have not had any Diet Coke or cola in 20 days!! Booyah, for me. Another 20 and hopefully I will not have any inkling to consume the corroding substance!! 

This week is gonna be BUSY... Monday 10 mile long run, Tues-Wens  work, Thurs...skills day at work, plus I've got to get 12 core studys done for PALS. Which I will be doing the next wensday. Prayer... Lots and Lots of Prayer for me, PLEASE readers.

                                                      Tata for now, Tammy

Monday, March 4, 2013

Another Busy Weekend

Jimmy and I had time off together on Saturday. So we slept in a little, did a little bit of laundry, grocery shopped, then just vegged at home. Boobug took off to hang out with a friend at the movies, then just stayed the night. While we were out, we picked up Pitch Perfect for Cheybug. It was a movie that she seen in one of her classes, and she raved about it. Nice surprise for her. She was tickled pink. Then we watched it with her. Beyond the kids drama, the movie was good. Has a great soundtrack.

Sunday morning, Jimmy did a 20 mile long run. I meet him out at Melton Lake and did 9 miles of my own. He is going to run the Marathon again this year and I am going to run the half. It was a good run for me.  Once we finished, Jimmy craved some fried he gets on the phone to call his Mom (Geri) and she tells him to slice some apples, butter a frying pain, add brown sugar and a little water.
So with her directions I concoct a recipe of  5 sliced Cameo apples, 2 tablespoons of softened butter, 1/3 c brown sugar and added 1 tsp cinnamon. Apples into a hot cast iron skillet and added 3/4 c water. Fried them down some, then added the brown sugar and cinnamon. I must say they were very Tasty!!

At 8pm, we watched The Bible on the History Channel. This segment ran past where we are in the Old Testament reading. It was portrayed well. However,I do not feel that Sarah was not displayed in the best of light. Hopefully, we will be able to catch it all. The one thing that I am not pleased with is all the blessed commercial interruptions...arrgh!

Moses receives the Ten Commandments.I really should be studying now for my PALS re certification....I am so procrastinating.